

When the condition of an aspect of the environment has decreased to a point where its long-term viability is in question. It usually describes the result of several interacting factors (e.g. for species, reducing numbers, decreasing quality or extent of habitat, increasing pressures).  

Where ‘decline’ is applied to elements of environments (e.g. condition of vegetation as habitat) it means that changes have been sufficient to potentially affect the viability of species relying on those elements. 

Associated with the region just above the sea floor. 

(Indigenous); a decision by an Australian court or other recognised body that native title does or does not exist. A determination is made either when parties have reached an agreement after mediation (consent determination) or following a trial process (litigated determination). 

A temporary change in average environmental conditions that causes short or long-term effects to an area or aspect of the environment. Disturbances include naturally occurring events such as fires and floods, as well as anthropogenic disturbances such as land clearing and the introduction of invasive species. 

An identified water catchment; Australia has been classified into 12 drainage divisions. 

Overarching cause that can drive change in the environment; this report identifies climate change, population growth and economic growth as the main drivers of environmental change.