Indigenous Knowledge T&Cs

Terms and Conditions of Indigenous Knowledge  

Indigenous knowledge is included in the State of the Environment Report 2021. The authors of the report acknowledge that this knowledge is the Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) of various Indigenous peoples and communities around Australia. ICIP refers to the cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ICIP includes Indigenous knowledge such as ecological and seasonal knowledge; cultural expressions including visual arts, stories, languages and names; and photographs, quotes and text shared by Indigenous people.  

Importantly, ICIP material has been included with care and in consultation with the relevant Indigenous peoples who have provided consent to reproduce in the SoE Report. This process of consultation and consent is outlined in the SoE Collaboration Guidelines and reflected in key protocol frameworks such as the True Tracks® ICIP Principles and the Our Knowledge, Our Way (OKOW) Guidelines. 

Use Indigenous Knowledge with respect 

As expressed in Article 31 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Indigenous peoples assert their rights to manage and control their ICIP. This includes the right for it to be properly respected, interpreted and attributed, including maintaining its integrity and sharing the benefits of its use.  

Readers and users of the report may cite and refer to the Indigenous Knowledge as included in the SoE report and should use the ICIP respectfully by: 

  1. attributing the contributing Indigenous peoples and the source communities 
  2. Respect the cultural integrity of the Indigenous Knowledge by not altering the meaning or using it out of context 
  3. Seeking the free, prior and informed consent of the relevant Indigenous knowledge holders, people and communities for commercial use or application of the Indigenous Knowledge  
  4. Following Indigenous protocols and ethics when incorporating Indigenous knowledge into environmental management systems. 

If using the ICIP in other ways or commercially, please contact the relevant Indigenous people, community and organisations to discuss ways of working together in meaningful partnerships for the future and to negotiate ICIP rights.  


The Indigenous Authors of selected titles and short prose in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, guided by Indigenous language and culture experts. 

The use of language words and names of Indigenous language groups are contained in the report. We have used the spelling preferred by the people who we refer to, or the most commonly used spelling but note that there are alternative spellings of Indigenous language groups. 

Indigenous Deceased Peoples Notice 

We also advise Indigenous readers that the Report includes names and references to Indigenous people that are deceased. We respectfully acknowledge Indigenous ancestors for their contributions.