
The authors thank all case study authors for their significant contributions to the Biodiversity chapter. We gratefully acknowledge the scientists, land managers, Traditional Owners and organisations who conducted the research that underpins this chapter and who willingly provided data for graphics, figures and maps. In addition, we thank Martin Taylor, Rachel Gallagher, Andre Zerger, Donald Hobern and Kevin Thiele for their contributions and discussions about key content in the chapter.
The authors thank state, territory and Australian Government colleagues and the State of Environment User Reference Group for their critical reviews of scope, content and detail in earlier versions of the chapter. We also thank the independent Indigenous experts who undertook the Traditional Ecological Knowledge review. The substantial efforts of 2 anonymous peer reviewers are also gratefully acknowledged and their comments significantly improved the chapter.
Our fellow state of environment chapter authors and the lead authors provided support, encouragement and expertise throughout the compilation of this chapter.
Lastly, we thank the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment SoE team (listed in the Overview chapter), the Biotext team (listed in the Overview chapter); the Murawin team (listed in the Overview chapter); the Indigenous Advisory Committee; and the State of the Environment Project Board.