Written by Dr Helen Murphy and Professor Stephen van Leeuwen
Ngala wardan windja koorl dabakan dwankaninwongka doorga, maar koorl kwenda kooriumba, gnuraren dandanginy wannang, kurrak ngaarning marril. Ngala baakan manya, ngaan bilya yinbee maambakoort gnari.
We the Wadandi People move slowly, listening to the talk of the wind, the movement of bandicoots through boronia, the rustle of Western ringtail possums in peppies, the chatter of red-tailed black cockatoos eating marri. We treat mosquito bites with bracken fern, feast on freshwater mussels and ocean salmon.
Nitja ngundabut, ngala kalleepgur nalamoort, ngala koort, ngala boodjarra.
This is life, our family’s home, our heart, our Country.