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Air quality

patrula lakarana, lupatin pinikita, waynapuni mapali pumili pakana latu, tiyakuni.  waranta pumili milaythina nayri. 

Big fires with fast flames and much smoke make us cough and breathe with difficulty.   We need to heal our lands. 

tuylupa milaythina tunapri, narakupa manina, wurangkili, pakana rrala.  

Burn country wisely to nurture earth and sky and keep our people well. 

Statement from the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines.
Although air pollutants make up less than 1% of our total atmosphere, they have a direct impact on our health outcomes. Air quality also affects the natural environment – ecosystems, plants and animals can all suffer from air pollution.
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Where are we headed? Understand the outlook of our air quality, based on how it is tracking now and how we are managing it. Also find out how recent change will affect the environment, our health and wellbeing.
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How is Australia’s air quality? Explore the various types of air pollution we experience and see what is most affecting our air quality around the country.
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What are the pressures on our air quality? Identify the main sources of air pollution and find out how they are affecting our air and our own wellbeing.
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How effective is our management of air quality? Discover the main national agreements and policies, and how we manage sources of air pollution.
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