Warming temperatures are the clearest manifestation of climate change. Almost everywhere on the globe has warmed over the past century. Both land and ocean areas have warmed, but in general land areas are warming faster than oceans. The Arctic is the world’s fastest-warming area, while the Southern Ocean is among its slowest. Globally, temperatures averaged over 2011–20 are 1.09 °C higher than in 1850–1900; land temperatures have warmed by 1.59 °C and sea surface temperatures by 0.88 °C (IPCC 2021).
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO produce a biennial state of the climate report, which was most recently published in 2020. This section draws on the climate information used in that report.
Land temperatures
Temperatures over Australian land areas continue their long-term increasing trend. Since consistent national records began in 1910, mean temperatures over Australia have increased by approximately 1.4 °C (BOM 2020b), with most of the increase occurring since the 1950s. The rate of warming over Australia is close to the global average for land areas.
Australia’s warmest year on record was 2019, with temperatures 1.52 °C above the average for the standard 1961−90 reference period. The decade from 2011 to 2020 was Australia’s warmest on record, and every individual year from 2013 to 2020 ranks in the 10 warmest on record nationally (Figure 1).
Since 1910, mean temperatures have increased over all parts of Australia and in all seasons (Figure 2):
- The strongest warming, exceeding 2 °C in places, has occurred in the central and eastern interior. Many parts of inland New South Wales and southern Queensland have warmed by more than 1 °C since 1980.
- The slowest warming, of 0.5–1 °C, has occurred in some parts of north-western Australia, and in some south-eastern coastal areas (including Tasmania).
- In the most recent decades, mean temperatures have been locally stable or declining in some parts of north-western Australia, where rainfall has increased substantially (see Rainfall and snow). Winter minimum temperatures have been relatively stable in parts of inland south-eastern and south-western Australia, where cool-season rainfall has decreased.
Most Australian Antarctic and subantarctic sites have warmed since the mid-20th century, although more slowly than most Australian mainland locations. Mawson and Davis stations, on the Antarctic continent, and Macquarie Island have all warmed by about 0.5 °C since records there began in the 1950s. However, Casey Station has cooled by about 0.6 °C since it opened in 1970. (see the Antarctica chapter)
Impacts of higher land temperatures
Rising temperatures on land have a range of impacts. Whereas some of these are manifested in extreme events such as heatwaves (see High temperatures), others depend on long-term changes in temperature.
Signals are emerging of climate change impacts on various indicators of biodiversity, such as species distributions, lifecycles and population dynamics. Some of the strongest signals are found in high-altitude communities where there is limited scope for species to move to cooler locations (see the Biodiversity chapter). The geographical range of various agricultural activities has also moved in response to climate change; some of the most significant changes are occurring in temperature-sensitive industries such as viticulture (see the Land chapter).
Indigenous people also experience the impacts of rising temperatures. Although temperature increases felt by Indigenous people are the same as global changes, the impacts from warmer temperatures also lead to extreme cultural change for Indigenous people, as a result of biodiversity loss, loss of culture, and changed cultural patterns of living and travelling in and across their Country. With land areas warming faster than oceans, Indigenous people reasonably fear becoming Australia’s first climate refugees:
Without action to stop climate change, people will be forced to leave their Country and leave behind much of what makes them Aboriginal. Climate change is a clear and present threat to the survival of our people and their culture. (Allam & Evershed 2019)
Rising land temperatures can reduce the availability and growth of plants used for traditional purposes such as food and medicines; this can affect the health of Indigenous people who rely on traditional plants for their nutritional and healing properties. Regardless of whether these plants are resilient to climate change, the impacts on their availability and accessibility in the environment are critical.
Ocean temperatures
Sea surface temperatures in the Australian region have been increasing. Since 1900, they have risen by approximately 1.1 °C (Figure 5). As on land, most of the increase has been since the 1950s. Sea surface temperatures have risen more slowly than temperatures on land. This is consistent with the situation globally, where land has warmed at 1.8 times the rate of the ocean (IPCC 2021).
The rate of warming is fairly uniform across all seasons, and is generally slightly higher in eastern Australian waters than in the west. The western Tasman Sea has warmed especially quickly in recent decades, with some areas having warmed by more than 1 °C since 1980. In the Coral Sea region, which contains the Great Barrier Reef area, the rate of warming is similar to the national average. Ocean heat content, an indicator of temperature through the full depth of the ocean, has also increased over 1993–2020; the strongest increases, as at the surface, are in the western Tasman Sea (Blunden & Boyer 2020).
Although changes in sea surface temperatures at decadal and longer timescales are broadly consistent with temperature changes on land, land and sea surface temperatures can differ substantially in individual years. For example, although 2019 was Australia’s warmest year on record on land, Australian sea surface temperatures in 2019 were the lowest since 2008 (Figure 6). This variation is in part because land and sea temperatures are affected in different ways by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole. For example, La Niña is associated with below-average temperatures on the Australian continent, but above-average temperatures in northern Australian waters. The 3 warmest years on record for Australian region sea surface temperatures – 2016, 2010 and 1998 – have all come at the end of significant El Niño events.
Impacts of higher ocean temperatures
Rising sea surface temperatures have a range of impacts, including a greatly increased risk of marine heatwaves (see case study: Marine heat waves, in the Extreme weather events section in the Marine chapter). Marine heatwaves, along with more sustained increases in ocean temperatures, can lead to changes in the marine ecosystem – for example, changes in the range of species. One particularly visible impact of rising ocean temperatures is a greatly increased frequency of coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef (see case study: Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef), and other coastal waters in northern Australia.
Higher ocean temperatures will continue to impact Indigenous coastal communities’ traditional ecological knowledge and knowledge systems. The Kowanyama Community (Castillo 2009) participated in a Traditional Knowledge Initiative (United Nations University 2007) through the United Nations University, where they raised issues about ocean warming contributing to sea level rise and freshwater impacts. Sea level rise may also cause the intrusion of salt water into freshwater ecosystems; this will impact the way in which the Kowanyama people access their traditional knowledge. This fusion of waters leads to environmental changes that will impact traditional freshwater and saltwater plant and aquatic species. These types of impacts will be felt in all Indigenous coastal communities.
Indigenous communities exposed to rising ocean temperatures, such as the Malgana Traditional Owners in Shark Bay, Western Australia, have reported impacts on their traditional Country, and their ability to maintain cultural practices and protect the seagrass meadows. Increased sea surface temperatures (e.g. 2–5 °C above long-term averages during the heatwave in the summer of 2010–11), as well as increased ocean acidification and changing seawater chemistry, have impacted more than 1,300 square kilometres of dense seagrass meadows (Marine Biodiversity Hub 2020). This in turn affects the species that rely on seagrass meadows, which include dugongs, turtles, cormorants and bottlenose dolphins (Marine Biodiversity Hub 2020).