Integrated management
As highlighted in previous state of the environment reports, a key gap in the management of the marine environment has been national coordination of management systems across sectors and jurisdictions. Poor coordination can waste resources and leave gaps in management of pressures, which can result in a gradual decline despite appropriate management in the individual sector or jurisdiction (Winther et al. 2020a).
In Australia, there is demand for a coherent and integrated governance system for ocean and coastal management that brings in all 3 levels of government (Future Earth Australia 2021). The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park provides a model for how good coordination across state and national jurisdictions can support integrated management approaches – encapsulated in the Great Barrier Reef Intergovernmental Agreement. This delivers joint planning, permitting and compliance across jurisdictions (e.g. the Australian and Queensland governments’ joint delivery of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan and the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan).
A 10-year national strategy, developed by Future Earth Australia and released in June 2021, puts forward several recommendations to ensure that our marine and coastal environments remain healthy and resilient (Future Earth Australia 2021). The Sustainable Oceans and Coasts National Strategy 2021–2030 aligns with the mid-term report from the National Marine Science Committee (NMSC 2021b), the priority actions identified by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel 2020) and more broadly the societal outcomes of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (IOC 2020) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Development of the strategy was informed by researchers, governments, nongovernment organisations, industry and Indigenous people. However, there are challenges with the implementation of any strategy, given the rules and controls associated with governance and management.
Management and data agreements with Traditional Custodians
Indigenous communities are looking for more agreements around management and data generation so that commitment to relationship building is less ad hoc and more sustained over the longer term (see the Indigenous knowledge governance section in the Indigenous chapter). Agreement making needs committed investment in a co-designed strategy, and resourcing that allows Traditional Owners to be actively, genuinely and continuously involved.
Over the past decade, there has been slow and emerging growth in Traditional Owners entering into signed agreements with governments and organisations. The scope of agreements varies across Australia. Agreements are more frequent for management of cultural use of traditional species; much rarer are co-governance arrangements that support the inclusion of Traditional Owners in broader management plans involving the mixing of diverse values in a multi-use area involving commercial, industry and environmental sectors. In multi-use areas, Indigenous management intersects with the management and regulation carried out by governance agencies. The outcome of this intersection often falls short of management expectations because of the inherent practicalities involved with shared governance responsibility and achieving co-benefits (Dale et al. 2018, Lee 2019b). Traditional Owners are placed in the challenging position of needing to assert their voice and perspectives across many domain areas while having poor resourcing and opportunities to participate. This means that Indigenous voices and views are unable to effectively influence governance and management.
Indigenous control of Indigenous data is advancing through the CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility and Ethics) principles of Indigenous data sovereignty (Carroll et al. 2020). For example, in the Great Barrier Reef, there are efforts to establish a negotiated Indigenous data-sharing agreement for Reef Traditional Owners (see case study: Traditional Owner–led integrated monitoring and reporting using the Strong Peoples – Strong Country framework).
There are many Indigenous ranger groups across the country, funded by the Australian Government and state and territory governments, which actively manage sea Country (see Figure 23, in the Indigenous ranger programs section in the Indigenous chapter).
Marine ecosystem restoration and engineering
The review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (see Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) highlights that broad restoration of Australian ecosystems will be required to address past loss, build resilience and reverse the current trajectory of environmental decline (Samuel 2020) (see the Biodiversity chapter). Restoration of Australia’s critically important marine and coastal ecosystems has been the subject of increasing research attention and investment in recent years (see case study: Marine restoration in a changing climate).
In addition to restoration, the concept of ‘ecological engineering’ has been gaining increasing attention. This refers to the use of human-made infrastructure and technology to enhance restoration efforts (e.g. shading and cloud brightening for coral reefs). Ecological engineering can also refer to approaches that aim to maximise the provision of ecosystem services from Australia’s increasingly busy seascapes by manipulating existing ecosystems or designing novel ecosystems (e.g. Blue Economy CRC 2021). Blue carbon (the sequestration of carbon in seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh) is receiving increasing attention as a co-benefit of marine ecological restoration.