Graphs, maps and tables

Showing results 41 - 50 of 65
Figure 41 Changes in protected areas on land and sea by IUCN management category, and on land by governance category
Figure 42 Proportions of 88 bioregions on land and 43 on sea meeting Aichi target 11 of 10% protection in 2010, 2016 and 2020
Figure 43 Terrestrial and marine bioregions reaching Aichi target 11 of 10% ecological representation, in IUCN categories I and II, and III–VI, 2020
Figure 44 Catchments meeting Aichi target 11 of 10% protection for inland waters, 2010, 2016, 2020
Figure 45 Number of 6,001 terrestrial proxy ecosystems sampled in protected areas to a minimum 15% standard, by IUCN category, state, type, ecosystem size and year

ACT = Australian Capital Territory; ha = hectare; IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature; NSW = New South Wales; NT = Northern Territory; Qld = Queensland; SA = South Australia; Tas = Tasmania; Vic = Victoria; WA = Western Australia

Note: A minimum adequate ‘example’ was set at 15% of the original extent of each ecosystem, with higher proportions for small ecosystems (100% if total area is less than 1,000 ha, and 1,000 ha minimum if 15% of total area is less than 1,000 ha). The 15% minimally adequate sample is based on the nationally agreed JANIS criteria; see ANZECC/MCFFA National Forest Policy Statement Implementation Sub-Committee (1997).

Source: Taylor (2020)

Figure 46 Numbers of species of national significance sampled in protected areas to a minimum 30% standard, by taxon, habitat and EPBC Act status

ACT = Australian Capital Territory; EPBC Act = Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; ha = hectare; IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature; NSW = New South Wales; NT = Northern Territory; Qld = Queensland; SA = South Australia; Tas = Tasmania; Vic = Victoria; WA = Western Australia

Note: ‘Other’ includes migratory or marine-listed species. May-occur habitat is much more extensive than known or likely habitat, and represents mostly the outer envelope of the species or threatened ecological community range. For this reason, may-occur habitat was excluded from the minimum standard.

Source: Taylor (2020)

Figure 47 Numbers of threatened ecological communities meeting 30% minimum protection standards

IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature

Note: May-occur habitat is much more extensive than known or likely habitat, and represents mostly the outer envelope of the species or threatened ecological communities range. For this reason, may-occur habitat was excluded from the minimum standard.

Source: Taylor (2020)

Figure 48 Numbers of terrestrial bioregions, ecosystems, TECs and species of national significance meeting respective standards within Indigenous-associated protected areas

IPA= Indigenous Protected Area; PA = protected area; SNES = species of national ecological significance; std =standard; TEC = threatened ecological community

Note: May-occur habitat is much more extensive than known or likely habitat, and represents mostly the outer envelope of the species or threatened ecological community range. For this reason, may-occur habitat was excluded from the minimum standard.

Source: Taylor (2020)

Figure 49 Proportion of approvals with offset conditions since the commencement of the EPBC Act
Figure 50 Numbers of Indigenous translocations documented, by biogeographic region